Vicious Vikings

We really enjoyed learning all about The Vikings in history this year- the fierce warriors from Scandinavia. We made helmets using papier maché- have a look and see who is the the most fearsome of us all!!!

See Galleries page for more photos.

Notification of Child Safeguarding Annual Review

The Annual Review of the Child Safeguarding Statement was completed by the Board of Management on 19/10/2020. See notification attached

The Carrakennedy, Classic, Classroom Cleaners!

The Junior room are really super at keeping the classroom clean and tidy! They enjoy wiping the tables and saying rhymes.

This video shows how they slide like Santy’s sleigh across the table. Well done boys and girls. 

Rockin’ Rhymes

We really enjoyed the Brannar production of Rockin’ Rhymes in the school this week. The Junior room really got into the swing of it and danced their way through the show. It was a brilliant performance and really got us into the Christmas spirit! 

See video below!

Advent 2020

We gathered together in the school hall to create our Advent Wreath- it was a really special occasion as we miss our weekly assemblies this year. We are enjoying the build up to Christmas and look forward to celebrating with our families this year.

Images can be found on our Galleries Page.

Robotics Workshop

Clem and Ruairi from Foróige came to the Senior room last week for a Robotics workshop. We really enjoyed making robots using a simple circuit. We decorated our robots and gave them all a name! The Battle of the Robots then commenced!! It was great fun seeing them all fight it out! Ryan and Ciara’s robots made it to the final- in the end we called them the joint winders! Clem and Ruairi also showed us how to turn them in to Scribble Bots- we created some lovely art work with them. We finished off the session designing, drawing and playing our own personal computer games!

It was brilliant fun and look forward to doing more on the computer programme in the future.

Images can be found on our Galleries Page.


We were delighted to get the Beebots on loan from Mayo Education centre this month. We had great fun coding and programming the Beebots. We learned how to navigate them around various courses, to crack a code and guess their shape, to get them to spell our names and to write a special message to the Mayo team for the All Ireland final. Our favourite by far was the Beebot dance!

We look forward to getting them again in the future.

Images can be found on our Galleries Page.

Eco-Houses Project

The Senior Room really enjoyed the Eco-Houses projects. We worked as designers, architects builders, painters and decorators during this project. We learned all about the features of Eco-Friendly homes and had to ensure our homes housed these features. We look forward to building our own homes in the future!

Images can be found on our Galleries Page.

Green Flag : Global Citizenship and the Marine Environment

We have begun working on the theme for our next Green Flag- Global Citizenship and the Marine Environment. We will be focusing on this theme for 2 years. We have carried out our Marine Awareness survey and look forward to comparing the results at the end of the programme.

We really enjoyed partaking in the Explorers Programme last week. We earned a lot about Marine Biodiversity during the online session. We created colourful Mindmaps and Posters to depict all we learned. We hope you learn something new from them too!

Images can be found on our Galleries Page.

Credit Union Art Competition

The children really enjoyed creating their pictures for the Credit Union Art Competition 2020- this year’s theme was “Imagine more….” It really got their ideas flowing and they produced beautiful pictures.

We were thrilled when we received the news that Kate Conway (First Class), Lucy O’Malley (3rd Class) and Rían Gavin (4th Class) were winners in the competition.

Here they are pictured in the Credit Union receiving their prizes. Well done to all pupils who participated. 

Images can be found on our Galleries Page.

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