A bitter sweet day in McHale Park today for the boys and girls of Carrakennedy NS. We were absolutely thrilled that both of our teams made it this far- to the Cumann na mBunscol final. A huge achievement in itself.
The girls were up first and played a thrilling game against Binghamstown. The game went to extra time and it was point for point on both sides. The Carrakennedy girls pulled through and won the game by scoring a point in the final minute. They were outstanding and never gave up. The cup has come back to Carrakennedy for the second year in a row. We are so proud of you girls- well done you were superb.
The boys were next up and played an equally thrilling game. There was absolutely brilliant football on display by both teams- Carrakennedy NS and Mount Palmer. They never gave up and fought to the bitter end. Unfortunately, in the final kick of the game Mount Palmer scored the match winner. Boys were are so proud of you no matter- win, lose or draw. Hold your heads up high after an outstanding season in blue.
We can take huge pride in the way we carried ourselves all year on our football journey. A massive thank you to Pat Gavin and Martin Conway for being with us every step or should we say kick of the way! We look forward to more outings next year.