The day we have all been waiting for. After an eleven year absence the girls of Carrakennedy NS have brought home the cup to Carrakennedy NS after beating Craggagh NS in the county final. What an exciting and thrilling game- exceptional performances in every position from goalie to the last sub. We are immensely proud of you girls and are so delighted that you have achieved your goal. Massive congratulations to you all. Míle Buíochas to Martin Conway- you have been an unbelievable mentor and coach to the girls and we are so lucky to have you. You were with the girls every step of the way. Thank you also to the wonderful supporters- Mammies, Daddies, brothers, sisters, grannies, grandads, aunties, uncles, cousins and friends- having you there with us made it even more special. Well done girls- you are superstars. What a day and what a celebration. The photos tell the tale of a day we will never forget.