We have had a fun filled month in Carrakennedy NS and really enjoyed the build up to Christmas. We kicked off the festivities on 25th November- the day of the Late Late Toy show. The Junior room presented their project to us at assembly and we learned a lot about the history of the Toy Show.
In keeping with tradition we made our Advent wreath and were delighted each week to light the candles and celebrate the themes of Hope, Peace, Joy and Love.
On the 4th December we took to the stage in Cushlough Community Centre and sang some of our Christmas songs. It was a really enjoyable afternoon and really put us in the Christmas spirit.
The arrival of Eddie the Elf was a huge surprise for us in Carrakennedy NS. He has been very busy this month and has brought a few surprises to us also- the highlight of which was the movie day. We were delighted to have popcorn and hot chocolate while watching the classic Home Alone.
All in all, we have had a great month- lots of art and music and fun activities. We are looking forward to the Christmas break now and will be ready to return on Thursday 5th December. Keep an eye out for our next post with photos of our Santa Hat run which will take place on Friday 6th January- a nice way to round up the festivities.
Wishing you all a very Happy Christmas- enjoy the family time together.