We were delighted to welcome Sharon Cameron from An Taisce to our school on Thursday 13th February. We really enjoyed telling her about all the wonderful work we are doing as we work towards getting our Gobal Citizenship Energy Green Flag. We have learned so much about Global Citizenship. We learned about Equality and inclusion, Anti-Racism, Refugees around the world and in Ireland, Fairtrade, Friendship and Solidarity and the Global Goals.
The specific focus on energy this year has really heightened our awareness of how we can conserve energy at school and in our homes. We have reduced our daily consumption in school by 31% by making very simple changes- turning off lights and appliances when they are not needed. The motto “You’ve got nerve if you don’t conserve” helps us to remember.
We have continued our great work with Reducing, Reusing and Recycling and really enjoyed the Eco-Bricks project this year. Biodiversity is still very much at the heart of our school and we strive to keep our School Garden in full bloom during the Spring, Summer and Autumn months. We look forward to getting back to work in it in the coming weeks.