We are living through a very unique time in history and it is really important that we are able to remember all the things we did during Covid-19 in the future.
For this reason, we asked the children of Carrakennedy NS to create a 2020 Covid-19 Time Capsule. The children spent a lot of time creating, personalising and decorating their capsules over the past few weeks.
On 22nd June we will collected all of the Time Capsules. We were blown away by the huge effort and thought that went into each and every capsule. They are amazing.
They have now been bound and boxed up and are ready for storage.
The capsules will be stored safely in the school for 8 years and when our current Junior Infants are in 6th class graduating, we will invite all of the classes of 2020 back to our school to celebrate the history we have made. This will be a very special day. We can’t wait to open our books and look back on this historical event. They will be a keepsake to cherish forever.
See gallery for more pictures of our Covid Capsules.